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Press release - For immediate release

‘Monotone Systems’:



A new book by Joseph Mullat

The book formalizes and generalizes the intuitive notion of order, sequence, or arrangement of elements in subsets. The concept or category of monotone (monotonic) system, independent and distinct from all that is usually referred to in the relevant literature as dynamic systems, is applied to computer science and communications, social sciences, social and network economics. It will appeal to specialists in specific areas of game theory and data analysis.

In diesem Buch wird das Konzept, oder die Kategorie der monotonen Systeme, unabhängig und verschieden von allen, die in der hierzu betreffenden Literatur üblicherweise als dynamische Systeme, erwähnt werden, in den Bereichen Informatik und Kommunikation, Sozialwissenschaften, Sozial- und Netzwerkökonomie angewendet. Es richtet sich an Spezialisten in bestimmten Bereichen der Spieltheorie und Datenanalyse.

Monotone Systems' (350 pages) is published via, Price: €24.

Joseph Mullat is an independent researcher conducting research in game theory, public economics, optimal taxation, rational choice theory, data analysis, cosmology and astrophysics. He has also served as Associate Professor at the Faculty of Economics at Tallinn University of Technology, Estonia, Email:

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